Creating a Compassionate Culture Through Effective Communication
Date & Time
Saturday, September 7, 2024, 3:45 PM - 5:45 PM
Brooke Crouch

Learning Objectives: 

  • Define motivational interviewing and review examples of how it can be practiced within the clinic setting.
  • Explore the various listening styles and how they impact what we hear from others when having a conversation.
  • Review CAMBRA and risk-based recommendations and discuss how we can use motivational interviewing to set goals with our patients.
  • Discuss how effective listening and communication can be applied not only to our interactions with patients, but also with our colleagues, to build a culture that is supportive and compassionate.

This course will explore many facets within the dental hygiene profession. Whether you work in private practice, public health, and/or academia, effective communication and listening skills are critical to success. We will explore motivational interviewing and the power of open-ended questions to learn more about our patients and how this practice can improve the office or work environment. We will also discuss the various listening styles and how our ability to hear what our patients and colleagues say will impact our communication and our relationship with them. We will take these effective listening and communication strategies and explore how we can tie them into our risk-based patient recommendations.